Martin Gilbert
Martin Gilbert has a long history in asset and wealth management. He co-founded Aberdeen Asset Management PLC in 1983 and was chief executive officer from 1991 to 2017. During that period Aberdeen Asset Management PLC grew, through a combination of organic growth and strategic acquisition, to become one of the world’s leading independent asset managers with £308 billion of AUM. In 2017 Aberdeen Asset Management PLC merged with Standard Life plc, to become Standard Life Aberdeen plc. On merging, Standard Life Aberdeen plc was the biggest UK-based asset management company and the second biggest in Europe. Martin was co-chief executive officer and subsequently vice chairman until he retired from Standard Life Aberdeen plc in September 2020. Martin is chairman of Revolut Ltd and Toscafund, deputy chairman of River and Mercantile Group PLC and senior independent director of Glencore plc, alongside a number of other directorships.